Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The nature of random

To engage your mind, I offer this riddle, "Do you believe in the nature of random?" Ponder this question; you will find that it will take you to your core beliefs. Once you are there, you may find yourself... to be nothing.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

When you have everything you want...

Even if you were to have everything you always wanted, you would not be satisfied. This is because you are a fool and are in want of the wrong things. "Things" are not what should be wanted. Understanding the want is better than the having. Now quit being so petty and strive for something good! Use Your Brains!!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

This is you after you die. If you are facing hard times, remember that soon you will look like this, then you will be dust.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Finding Irrelevancy

To this point I have been addressing your irrelevance. Let me continue, but with emphasis on destroying depression rather spawning it. Look at the this figure. It explains how you are irrelevant in many ways. Some may say "special". To use this term would be a ridiculous fabrication. If you enjoy fairy-tales, perhaps you can view our position in the galaxy as "special". For those of us that are realists, we understand that it is irrelevance. When you feel overwhelmed or depressed, remember that neither you nor your emotions are worth anything outside of your very confined existence, and smile.

Friday, March 21, 2008

On the Fallacy of Morality & Virtue, Or On the Necessity of Vitality

What are your moral beliefs? Go ahead, try to answer...
If you took caution, or hesitated, you are on the right track. If you answered, this is not good, but it is correctable.

Let us begin this discussion of morality's lodging into the proverbial throats of our cognition. Morality can be defined as follows:

1 a: the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving b: capacity to live and develop; also : physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed
2 a: power of enduring b: lively and animated character

Shall we follow this definition?

1 a: conformity to a standard of right : morality b: a particular moral excellence
2plural : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy
3: a beneficial quality or power of a thing
4: manly strength or courage : valor
5: a commendable quality or trait : merit
6: a capacity to act : potency
7: chastity especially in a woman

So you see, the foundation of these two ridiculous concepts is on the intangible ground of right and wrong. Very relative, very wishy-washy. Very Rediculous. Right and wrong have been discussed for too long. Isn't it about time we divert our efforts to something more tangible?, more real?

Let me now define a more suitable alternative:

1 a: the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving b: capacity to live and develop; also : physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed
2 a: power of enduring b: lively and animated character

Humans should no longer fret over right and wrong, but over living and non-living, physical and mental vigor, power of enduring, and lively-nes. "How right or wrong are my actions?" Please, that question is just plain ignoramous. How about questioning,
"How alive are you?"

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On the Obstacles of Materialism

Much of the human race is aware of the on-going worship of materialism. The trouble, however, is that much of the human race are unable to break the bonds of materialism. Worse, humans have difficulty in justifying reason for abandoning the worship of materialism. Buying things and being entertained are what many do best in spare time... Aaaah, spare time.

It is a relatively recent marvel that a bulking middle class of human beings live with stability and comfort to enjoy much of their time doing nothing productive. Unfortunately for these humans (and it is even worse for the wealthiest, who do not work) their own physiology is working against them. Humans are meant to be productive. How do I know this? Because sitting around doing absolutely nothing is very uncomfortable. This discomfort proposes an interesting paradox. Most humans will work, and, while working, find themselves desiring the end of their working hours, or contemplating the weekend or days off. Then, in their time off, they quickly become discomforted once inactive (that is to say if they are not sleeping). To soothe this discomfort, a human may do any of the following: watch television, go shopping, surf the internet, go to a restaurant/bar, go to a friend's, call a friend, prepare food, exercise, read, write, or indulge in drugs. Some of these choices provide more intense fulfillment than others, while at the same time, some provide for short or long term fulfillment. Depending on the level of need, a human may choose to be blasted with fulfillment or work patiently towards a slower, long term fulfillment. Some humans need to stay busy all of the time, bombasted with seemingly important and ridiculously trivial things to be doing at all times.

"What are we suppose to do if not entertain ourselves?" you might be wondering. Well, the answer lies in another trait of yours, should you be human, which is termed, "curiosity". Your minds were not evolved for being entertained; that would make no sense! Your minds were evolved for curiosity and problem solving. Besides chemicals that release massive amounts of endorphins to your body, are not the most exciting forms of entertainment the ones that strike your curiosity or require critical problem solving skills?

Too many humans allow their other carnal desires to be entertained, and when these forms of entertainment become marketed to vast amount of middle and upper class citizens, the results are societies of material loving imbeciles. Do you need examples? The following is a list of examples:
1.) drama television shows addressing our carnal desire for conflict and violence,
2.) love and porno-friendly stories, novels, television programs, and internet sites stimulating our sexual drive,
3.) the fashion industry fostering your need of conformity and "coolness", but in a way to make a profit while setting ridiculous trends and uniformity,
4.) the electronic/gadget industry playing to your problem solving ability and interest in tools, but by making shiny gadgets that require little intellect, creativity, or ingenuity of the operator

If I haven't hurt your feelings yet, bravo, and if I have, don't leave, soon you too will be able to make others feel stupid.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On Reason

Perhaps at this time more of you are concerning yourselves with questions on reason for being. Do not. Soothe those burning quests for knowledge with some simple facts. You exist, you make observations from which you draw conclusions, and you perform actions on the basis of your conclusions. This process is controlled by your mind, which was created to perform in a certain matter, just as fish and bird minds perform in certain manners. Your human mind has no need to understand reason for being or else it would understand it for you, just as your eyes have allowed you to see, your hands have allowed you to manipulate your surroundings, and just as all of your person has been prepackaged by millions of years of evolution, adapting to ever-changing environments upon an orbiting mass called Earth. Your mind has the task of organizing data so that you can function as you do in your human existence. Reason, although it has played many vital roles in the continuation of your species, has limits; applying reason to life is outside of these limits, it is that simple.

On Meaningfulness

Have you been disciplining your thinking?

Extract yourself from what you think you are. You are meaningless, at any given point your "conscious" could be removed from your present existence, leaving you as nothing. So, is there a "you"? How can you define this? Would you agree that any attempt to define yourself would be utter poetic nonsense? You should agree.

Rather spending your time trying to resolve this senseless matter over your existence, understand that you are no more or less than what you believe and what others tell you. This means that your meaning is relative. You must understand this. You may go on and play as many games as you like trying to balance your "meaningful life" with justifications, making sacrifices, or evaluating your manipulations on the physical environment, but the bottom line is that you are playing games. Grow up.

Let me digress before I continue. Many of you may be very sensitive, finding yourselves horrified or depressed with what I am revealing to you. If you are having troubles grasping or coming to terms with this information, take solace. Solace may best be found in front of a mirror. Don't be fooled, you are something, a creature of nature no doubt. Feel the bones and muscles in your face and hands as you stare into the mirror. Grab the inside of your lips at the edges of there horizontal slit and peel them back to reveal your animal gum and teeth features. You do exist, this is not in question, we are merely discussing the irrelevance of your meaning.

Does this bother you?

Do you really need meaning for anything?

Some may present the arguement that meaning provides the drive to live. This is not so, it is moronic and an unrefined thought which infects listeners with stupidity. Too many people derive ridiculous make-believe fairytales about our drive to live; further, many people will go so far as to explain steps in how to maintain this drive, so that we don't lose it and die off. Preposterous! Our drive to live is solely contrived from our instincts as creatures; we survive, procreate, and die. Without a drive to live, we simply would not exist. Those who lose their drive to live prematurely are forgetting that they are creatures, which is almost always the result of inactivity or genetic chemical deficiencies.

Clear your thinking

First you will need to clear your thinking before attempting to understand reality. Your life is not nearly as important as you have been born and trained to think. In fact, your life may very well be meaningless. However, this is not to say that there is no meaning to your life, this is an irrelevant concept. Meaning is relative. "Meaningfulness" is interpreted by every creature on this Earth differently and can therefore be deemed erroneous all together. Rather than concentrating your mental focus on success, or the moral champion, "meaningful life", direct your attention somewhere more important, understanding life.

On Success

"Success" is not our aim. Our aim is "coming to terms" with life. Other life coaches would have you all pretending in such nonsense as to include but not be limited to: fortune, karma, balance, happiness, etc. I, however, am a realist and will place my proverbial paw on the back of your neck and smear it face first into reality if I must. Caring for you will do neither of us any good. Come to terms, come to grips, come along with me to the answers of the cosmos. Most of you will at first be disappointed and morally depressed, but once you realize that morality is completely relativistic and therefore does not exist, you will sooner be better off. This is all for now.