Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On Meaningfulness

Have you been disciplining your thinking?

Extract yourself from what you think you are. You are meaningless, at any given point your "conscious" could be removed from your present existence, leaving you as nothing. So, is there a "you"? How can you define this? Would you agree that any attempt to define yourself would be utter poetic nonsense? You should agree.

Rather spending your time trying to resolve this senseless matter over your existence, understand that you are no more or less than what you believe and what others tell you. This means that your meaning is relative. You must understand this. You may go on and play as many games as you like trying to balance your "meaningful life" with justifications, making sacrifices, or evaluating your manipulations on the physical environment, but the bottom line is that you are playing games. Grow up.

Let me digress before I continue. Many of you may be very sensitive, finding yourselves horrified or depressed with what I am revealing to you. If you are having troubles grasping or coming to terms with this information, take solace. Solace may best be found in front of a mirror. Don't be fooled, you are something, a creature of nature no doubt. Feel the bones and muscles in your face and hands as you stare into the mirror. Grab the inside of your lips at the edges of there horizontal slit and peel them back to reveal your animal gum and teeth features. You do exist, this is not in question, we are merely discussing the irrelevance of your meaning.

Does this bother you?

Do you really need meaning for anything?

Some may present the arguement that meaning provides the drive to live. This is not so, it is moronic and an unrefined thought which infects listeners with stupidity. Too many people derive ridiculous make-believe fairytales about our drive to live; further, many people will go so far as to explain steps in how to maintain this drive, so that we don't lose it and die off. Preposterous! Our drive to live is solely contrived from our instincts as creatures; we survive, procreate, and die. Without a drive to live, we simply would not exist. Those who lose their drive to live prematurely are forgetting that they are creatures, which is almost always the result of inactivity or genetic chemical deficiencies.


Unknown said...

Now what do bananas do?

Cause...they have no bones...

Wolfman said...

They also have no thoughts, bad question. Think first next time.