Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On Reason

Perhaps at this time more of you are concerning yourselves with questions on reason for being. Do not. Soothe those burning quests for knowledge with some simple facts. You exist, you make observations from which you draw conclusions, and you perform actions on the basis of your conclusions. This process is controlled by your mind, which was created to perform in a certain matter, just as fish and bird minds perform in certain manners. Your human mind has no need to understand reason for being or else it would understand it for you, just as your eyes have allowed you to see, your hands have allowed you to manipulate your surroundings, and just as all of your person has been prepackaged by millions of years of evolution, adapting to ever-changing environments upon an orbiting mass called Earth. Your mind has the task of organizing data so that you can function as you do in your human existence. Reason, although it has played many vital roles in the continuation of your species, has limits; applying reason to life is outside of these limits, it is that simple.


Olivia Meiring said...

Did you bite this man or is he a distant cousin? As you know I have been following your ancestral roots, collected evidential photos of actual paintings of wolfmen, and I would like to know if I can add this to my collection.

Wolfman said...

I am sure that you do.

Unfortunately, ABC News has deceived you. They have taken the photos I sent them declaring myself as the first to scale Everest naked, and photoshoped some man's face and shorts over my original copies so as to not scare children or break censorship.